8 great DropShipping YouTube channels

, 8 great DropShipping YouTube channels

Whether we’re starting a new business, learning a new skill or we’re simply looking to be entertained, YouTube is often where we begin our search. The field of eCommerce and DropShipping is absolutely no different, and there are loads of individuals putting out content that is relevant to the industry – that’s why in this post we’re going to take a look at some of the most followed DropShipping YouTubers.

There is a LOT to learn if you’re just starting a business DropShipping. Even if you’re already a pro, the nature of eCommerce is that things are ever changing – which means you have to keep learning and evolving your business accordingly. To stay ahead of the game, you’ll need to be watching, listening to, and reading about new developments constantly – which for most of us, means watching clips on YouTube.

Before we get started, we think it is worth us mentioning that there are a lot of channels that are featuring personalities talking about their experiences DropShipping. And while there are some really knowledgeable people producing content for YouTube, there are some that are simply regurgitating what others are already putting out. While those type of people might have a better style or make something slightly easier to understand, you might want to bear that in mind when you’re following their advice, and double check. Don’t follow one individual’s advice to the letter – take guidance from a couple at least.

Kevin David (1.18 million subscribers)

Kevin David has been posting to his YouTube channel since 2012, and since then his videos have been viewed more than 46 million times. His aim is to help people by sharing eCommerce tips in order to help them gain financial freedom. In addition to DropShipping advice, and related marketing guidance such as $5 Facebook Ads for Shopify, there is plenty of content relating to getting paid for watching videos, making money from apps and so on. If you’re looking for other ways to build income, these might be useful!

During the time he’s built his presence on YouTube and across other social media, he’s also written a best selling book ‘Unfair Advantage’, he has a podcast, and his YouTube information says that he’s an investor, partner or mentor to ‘double digit multi-million dollar businesses’. On his website, there are a range of courses that you can sign up for – so if you find the content on his YouTube channel useful, that’s something to consider.

Wholesale Ted (625 thousand subscribers)

Wholesale Ted is run by Sarah Chrisp (with ‘Ted’ having left to work on other things) and the YouTube channel has been around since 2014. In addition to making money from advertising on her YouTube channel, she makes money from her DropShipping and print on demand stores, affiliate commission and her paid online course – The Ecomm Clubhouse. This is focused on how to run a store through Shopify, and if you follow her guidance, you’ll also need funds available in order to run paid ads.

In addition to the YouTube channel, there is also a blog, both of which are (of course) designed to help get people to convert to paid customers on the online course – but there are still some useful pointers in the Wholesale Ted YouTube channel. 625,000 other subscribers think so, anyway!

Biaheza (626 thousand subscribers)

Biaheza is frequently labelled as a teen genius that reached his first six-figure month in profit from his DropShipping store after just nine months – by using his Instagram audience to help grow his income, and his store, while he was in college. Through 2020 he has taken a break from college to teach aspiring DropShipping entrepreneurs on his YouTube channel, and with this many subscribers, it is pretty clear that he’s getting something right.

With his knowledge, he has also developed a paid course that shows exactly what he does – and while we’ve not taken the course ourselves, we have no doubt that those who follow those steps will be successful. While nobody is born a success, Biaheza is a clear example of how, with the right attitude and dedication to learning, anyone can achieve anything – even with limited resources. If you have an internet connection, you can grow your business. He attributes most of his success to educating himself from – you guessed it – business owners who were posting on YouTube when he was younger!

Gabriel St-Germain (228 thousand subscribers)

Gabriel St-Germain has been huge in the field of DropShipping for YouTube viewers since he started his channel in 2016. His videos have gathered more than 6,282,770 views – which is pretty impressive. His channel was much more transparent than many others, offering real statistics for free.

He offered a free course in DropShipping through YouTube to teach would-be DropShipping sellers how to make more than $600K in just three months – which unsurprisingly, was his most popular video, getting almost 1.2 million views. The majority of the comments on his videos are really positive, which speaks volumes about the quality of Gabriel’s content.

Although he’s one of the biggest name YouTubers in DropShipping, he’s focused on other longer term projects at the moment, and so he’s not been posting for a while. Much of what is in his previous videos is still current though, so if you’re looking for guidance on how to grow your business, or you’re just starting to learn about DropShipping, it is a good place to start.

Tanner Planes (94.9 thousand subscribers)

Tanner Planes is another youngster that is a ‘pro’ in the field of eCommerce. He’s been DropShipping since the age of 16 – and his most popular video is “How I made $20k in a day DropShipping at 16 years old”. Pretty inspirational for young people who want to make that sort of cash. We’ve talked about the type of video Tanner pitches on the blog before – flash cars, make money fast types who talk a big game. He is clearly making money from his work, and has created a paid course to inspire other would-be entrepreneurs.

There is a lot to take from his YouTube channel though, and so if you’re new to DropShipping, or you’re using Shopify, then this channel is well worth a watch.

Verum Ecom (99 thousand subscribers)

John Yoon is the face behind Verum Ecom, but there are at least four content creators in the Verum Ecom team. The channel has only been around since 2019, so to have this many subscribers already is a pretty impressive feat. They started the channel to show how there was a lot of content that was being repurposed and repackaged by self-appointed ‘experts’. They’re sharing what works for them, and they’re not doing the usual thing that many YouTubers do of showing off their flashy cars and homes that have been bought with the proceeds of their DropShipping endeavours. The great thing about Verum Ecom, is that unlike other YouTubers, they don’t just display revenue numbers – they also discuss the expenses that they encountered, so it is clear to see what is really going on, and that (as we always say) DropShipping isn’t a ‘get rich quick’ scheme.

Like many other DropShipping YouTubers, their presence on the channel (and on other social media) is intended to help encourage viewers to buy their course. However, there are some other great resources on their website, such as the Verum community, and the blog. They practice what they preach too, and recommend the products that they use to help run their own eCommerce endeavours.

Scott Hilse (84.1 thousand subscribers)

Scott Hilse has built his YouTube channel off the back of his business selling one product in his DropShipping store, and worked with Facebook ads to grow his company. He now markets this strategy on his YouTube channel as ‘simplified DropShipping’, with the philosophy of location-neutral income-automation.

On his channel, he talks about Facebook Ads, digital marketing and other strategies that can be useful for DropShipping businesses. His videos are divided up into useful categories, although most of his advice is on his one product DropShipping strategy, using Shopify.

His approach is pretty simplistic, and perhaps a bit ‘get rich quick’ – but then considering he has only been on the case for three years, it is hardly surprising that he’s showing off, if he’s made enough money for a flash car and apartment. He’s marketing a paid DropShipping course on his website – which is priced at $497.

Drop Ship Lifestyle (81 thousand subscribers)

Anton Kraly is the face behind the Drop Ship Lifestyle business. Posting since May 2013, content has been viewed over 6.5 million times. There is new content weekly, and there’s also a podcast, meaning that you can listen to guidance on the go as well as watching videos.

Content on the Drop Ship Lifestyle channel varies, from Shopify tutorials, to hiring your first virtual assistant for Shopify – essential viewing for when your business has grown sufficiently!

Like the other YouTubers we’re talking about in this post, the Drop Ship Lifestyle team runs courses in addition to their free content, with paid training starting at £4997, and ‘ultimate’ training including a ticket to a retreat costing an eye-watering $8997. You can pay to attend these retreats separately, if that sounds like it could be up your street.

The Takeaway

YouTube is a great place to get the guidance you want and need for your business, whether you want a quick, high-level overview, or you want a complete education from beginner to expert in an hour or more. There is so much information available about boosting your business – whether you’re just starting out, or you’re a seasoned pro – that it is unlikely that you need to spend money on courses. Pretty much every topic, skill, or strategy that you’re considering implementing in your business has been documented, had a tutorial created, or a how-to guide put out there.

Remember though, don’t put your eggs all in one basket – no matter how great the DropShipping guru you’re following, someone else will have encountered success by doing things a different way. We’ve looked at the most popular DropShipping YouTubers here, but we’re not actively endorsing any of them. Watch them, decide which approaches work best for you, and then carefully implement them in your business. And while you’re there, don’t forget to follow @avasamsocial!


Avatar for Dawn Matthews
Dawn Matthews
Dawn has worked in technical and customer supporting roles for over 20 years. Most of her career was spent in technical services at top rated UK universities, which has given her a keen eye for detail. A lucky escape led her to the field of eCommerce in 2017, and she’s never looked back. Dawn studied in the field of social sciences with the Open University, achieving an MSc in Forensic Psychology at the same time as working two jobs. She regularly applies principles of psychology from her studies to her work, and outside of her role at Avasam she is busy writing her second book. Follow Dawn on LinkedIn at www.linkedin.com/in/dawn-matthews

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